Saturday, August 10, 2024

Quilt News! Summer Time DayTrips, Improv Quilt Design Fun, Blossoms Everywhere..

Cone Flowers in the Maple Valley Arboretum, gorgeous color!

My small quilt top, Four Tiles Medallion with Sawtooth Border.

Port Orchard, WA looking toward the Olympic Mountains.

Wild Flowers, Queen Anne's Lace.

I was thinking of using this bit of improv for a quilt backing.....


Hello Quilt Friends! 

Summer Vacation is in the air here. And so are pollen, insects and birds, very entertaining really.

Last week we took a road trip to Port Orchard, rural. The traffic was okay, it's about an hour away. For lunch we had Fish and Chips at a local restaurant, delicious. The tourist shopping was excellent with a well stocked and curated antique mall. Stopping at a few state parks on salt water we watched people fishing and digging for clams/oysters.

I've had a little time for project planning and piecing together a quilt back that I like too much for just a back. But it could work out, it'll be one of those double sided quilts that could go either way.

And that is the quilt news from the valley, where the summer days are long and it's wonderful to be outside!

How are you enjoying your summer?

I know some quilt friends are in the middle of winter, down under, do stay warm!

I'll be by to visit.


  1. Such beautiful flowers both on your quilt and in nature. The Cone Flower has indeed a beautiful pink shade. I love the back of your quilt and agree it would make an excellent reversible quilt.
    Here in Tokyo,summer is hotter than ever and we’ve had several thunderstorms,too. I am looking forward to autumn!

    1. Thank you Carin. I've been vacationing and now I'm back.
      I hope the weather cools off for you soon. We have rain and cooler temperatures here, whew!
