Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Quilt News! Butterfly Hand Bag Finish, Slow Stitch Project, Annual Amaryllis Bloom Report!

My slow stitch project rolled with lace and kept in a basket.

Amaryllis blooming in my kitchen window, lovely deep red.

I made this slow stitch roll to document the fabrics I used in 2024.

My Butterfly Bag finish, showing boxed bottom here.

My Slow Stitch project 46" x 3" now backed with linen/rayon in mustard yellow.

Butterfly bag, lined, top stitched, finished.


Hello Quilt Friends! 

It's cold in the valley with temperatures at night below freezing. Bundle up right?

Some of our blog friends 'down under' like Koka Quilts, are in the middle of summer right now. I can imagine the warm sun and blooming flowers.....

I finished my Butterfly Bag with top stitching and lining. I bought the pattern; Kwik Sew Craft Bag R10819 view C, several years ago and decided it would make a good New Year project. A finish is an excellent way to start the year. I redrew the handles in the pattern taking an inch off the width of each and wanting the outside of the handles to meet the body in a curve not a square. The outside is cotton canvas, the lining is quilter's cotton both from my local JoAnn Fabric Store. Finished!

Then I sewed the backing onto my Slow Stitch project documenting fabrics I used in projects in 2024. I stitched scraps and pieces of fabric boro style onto batting, then sewed on the backing. I keep it rolled up with lace in a basket. I might add more stitching, slow and thoughtful are the words for this project.

And my Amaryllis is blooming, looking fabulous, putting on a good show to brighten the winter days.

That is the quilt news on this frosty winter day. What are you planning or finishing today?

I'll be by to visit!

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Quilt News! Happy New Year! Quilt/Project Plans for the New Year, Accordian Pouch/Sewing Kit Finish

Finished 'Accordian Pouch', tutorial by Bookhou on Youtube, I added the hand stitching.

One of my new projects, Craft Bag by Kwik Sew, pattern 'C'. The butterfly cotton canvas will be the outside.

My Accordian Pouch inside pockets.

Inside pockets view, I think it's a clever design.

Zakka Style book, compiled by Rashida Coleman-Hale from my local library, fun useful projects.

Another view of my Accordian Pouch, running stitch in pearl cotton.

This is a page in the book, Zakka Style, the Patchwork Pot Holder Project, I intend to make up a lot of these!


 Hello Quilt Friends! And Happy New Year!

We've had clouds and rain off and on for several weeks now. 

During the quiet down times of the holidays I managed to finish a fun small project by Bookhou, tutorial on Youtube. Arounna calls it an 'Accordian Pouch' referring to the unique design of the storage pouches, very clever. I added some of my own piecing, by sewing a strip of butterfly cotton canvas on the outside cover and then embroidering running stitches by hand on the outside cover.

My local fabric store has had a good sale on cotton canvas. I bought some intending to use it to sew up a project 'craft bag', pattern by Kwik Sew and to make up potholders using the tutorial, Patchwork Potholder in my library book Zakka Style compiled by Rashida Coleman-Hale. We do a lot of our own cooking and baking and we put to good use our potholders.

I'm looking forward to the new year and working on small useful projects, the finishes are uplifting, right? The small finishes help me through the longer hand quilting process. I need to mix it up and stay challenged with color and design.

That is the quilt news from the valley, where we have so much to be thankful for!

Have you planned any small new projects for the coming year?

I'll be by to visit.

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Quilt News! Story of Three Quilt Designs Inspired by Audrey's Bramble Blooms Challenge 1 and 2 @ Quiltyfolk.com...Happy December, Tis the Season to Be Merry!....

My first, Three Cone Flowers w Borders Quilt finished @ 24" square, inspired by BB1 Challenge.

My second, Chairs w' Sunflowers Quilt Top, 30" x 40" inspired by BB2 Challenge.

And third, my Four Tiles Medallion w Borders Quilt Top, 44" square, design inspired by BB2 Challenge.

Hello Quilt Friends from the valley where we have cold temperatures, rain and clouds today. 
Christmas lights are shining in the neighborhood and Christmas tree lots are doing fast business.

I have two quilt tops and one small finished quilt, all 3 designs inspired by Audrey's Bramble Bloom Challenge @ quiltyfolk.com . Three Cone Flowers with Borders, 24" square, inspired by BB1, is finished. My second quilt top design, Chairs w' Sunflowers was 'indirectly' inspired. I was going to use a sunflower batik for a backing to one of the tops I was piecing together for the BB Challenge and so I added some left over scrappy pieces to my sunflower batik fabric and then decided to add the 'Chairs' blocks I had been experimenting with to the batik backing and I liked it and decided it would make a great top, not just a backing. I do get side tracked often!
Then my third BB2 inspired quilt top, Four Tiles Medallion w' Borders, was directly inspired by Audrey's BB2 Challenge , to start with 'Old Italian' quilt blocks 'in the center'. And my Old Italian blocks are floating on a sea of Cherry Blossoms bordered by aqua batik and Kona Cotton Solid 'Pool'. Dreaming of spring I guess.
That is the quilt news from my sewing room where progress is being made. How are your projects coming together? Do you get sidetracked like I do?

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Christmas trees for sale,, tis the season!

Monday, November 25, 2024

Quilt News! HourGlass Blocks Medallion Quilt Top Finish, My BrambleBlooms 2 Challenge Quilt Top Piecing Borders, Kona Cotton Solids by Robert Kaufman, Carloyn Forster's New Book

Borders have been pieced onto my BB2 Four Tiles with Borders quilt top and more borders and corner blocks to be added.

My sewing machine and I have been busy piecing borders and blocks...

My small Hourglass Blocks Medallion with String Borders quilt top finish, 15" x 15".


This is Thanksgiving week and I'm thankful for our many blessings! Last week we experienced a wind storm or as the media likes to call it a 'bomb cyclone', which is to say an intense wind storm. Our electricity was out for 3 days in our area and longer for surrounding areas. Big trees and power lines were downed. We had no heat, no internet, and no way to cook. Deciding to drive to another town in hopes of finding warmth and warm food, we found blocked roads and detours and backed up traffic, yes, other people were trying to find the same things. The traffic lights weren't working so it was slow going, we all had to stop and take our turn crossing the intersections. It was a unique experience. But our local power company and police worked hard to keep everyone safe and get the trees off the road and the power lines up and running again. I'm thankful for all their dedicated, hard work!

And now this week I've slowly started piecing again some borders and blocks adding to several projects. I'm slowing down to get ready (baking pies!) for celebrating Thanksgiving this Thursday.

In cutting and piecing blocks and borders I've been using Kona Cotton Solids by Robert Kaufman; Banana Pepper, Mango and Glacier to name just a few. If I don't have a big enough variety of Kona Cotton Solids to choose from I get anxious. I like to use a mix of prints, batiks and solids in my projects, kind of like a recipe.

I've been reading through and I highly recommend, Carolyn Forster's new book String Quilts. She has packed so much practical quilt knowledge in her new book it's amazing and Search Press, the publishers, have done a fabulous job with her new book.

That, Quilt Friends, is the quilt news from the valley where we are so thankful for our many blessings!

I'll be by to visit!

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Quilt News! Inspired Small Miniature Hour Glass Block Quilt Top Finish, Ruby Star Society Fabric at Fat Quarter Shop , Half Square Triangles in Barn Raising Formation Medallion with Borders Quilt Hand Quilting Progress, November Fall Colors Around Town

Persimmons at local farmers market.....Orange!

My small Hourglass quilt top, 10.5" square, blocks are approx 1.5".

More exciting fall color at the market.

Ornamental Kale...lacy edges...beautiful color...

Hand quilting progress on my Half Square Triangles in Barn Raising Formation with Borders Quilt.

A fat quarter I recently bought at a local quilt shop, by Ruby Star Society, so happy!


Hello Quilt Friends! Happy November! 

The holidays are upon us. And we're remembering to bless and share with our neighbors around us. 

This last couple of weeks I was inspired by Debbie @ aquilterstable and her project with Hour Glass Blocks. I like the challenge of Hour Glass blocks, the piecing and the color placement. I didn't want to get a big project going so I decided small would be a good place to start. My small quilt top measures 10.5" square and will probably get a few more borders added for a table mat for a Christmas gift. I used the Ruby Star Society pink and red print in a few of the Hour Glass Blocks.

And hand quilting my Half Square Triangles in Barn Raising Formation Medallion with Borders Quilt , 56" x 56", is almost done. Yey! 

If you haven't seen Ruby Star Society's fabrics lately Fat Quarter Shop has a good selection with affordable prices. The colors are inspiring.

That is the quilt news from the valley. Have you finished any holiday projects or are you just starting?

I'll be by to visit.

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Quilt News! My Current Hand Stitching Boro/Running Stitch Projects, Colors That Are Inspiring Me This Week, and My Barn Raising Medallion with Borders Quilt Hand Quilting Progress!

Boro/running stitch project....

My favorite colors this week, some solids, batiks and prints..

My iron on transfer hand embroidery project, Biscornu pincushion hand stitched with Sashiko embellishment.

 Hello Quilt Friends! Rainy and cloudy here in the valley with fall leaves putting on an amazing show.

This week I've been hand stitching making progress on my Boro/Running Stitch Project which will be turned into various sewing accoutrements. I also finished my Biscornu pincushion sewn by hand and embellished with Sashiko, it was a challenge from my local hand stitch group.

And almost finished my iron on transfer embroidery, lemons. I love embroidered kitchen towels. It turns out a lot of my relatives do too. 

And I'm hand quilting my Barn Raising Medallion with Borders Quilt. It's taken some time, and I'm almost done!

 Debbie at aquilterstable has signed up for Tara Faughnan's Block Study Collective 2 a six month membership and has finished the Hourglass piece. It's superb. What a great opportunity for challenge and fun, right? I'm inspired. The Block Study 2's enrollment is now closed but will open again in 2025. Block Study 1 is open and you can choose to sign up for just one course or the whole bundle. 

That's the quilt news from the valley. Do you have any almost finished hand stitching projects?

I'll be by to visit.