Glass artist, Albert Paley's exhibit at the Museum of Glass, Tacoma, WA. |
Some of Albert Paley's amazing works of art in glass and steel. |
A photo of artist Albert Paley's process. |
Another glass and steel work of art by Albert Paley. |
This is another of Albert Paley's glass and steel works. |
Fountain in front of the Museum of Glass entrance. |
Artist Dale Chihuly's art glass books for sale in the museum store. |
My finished pin cushion made from my free motion experiment scraps. |
My free motion pin cushion back view, 3" x 6". |
Close up of stitching, lots of great texture. |
Greetings from the Pacific NW!
The weather has been mild with a few days rain and now sun and clouds.
The first week of October we visited The Museum of Glass in Tacoma, WA. Artist Albert Paley's art in glass and steel was showing in the main exhibit hall. His work is fabulous and amazing.
Dale Chihuly's work will open in the main exhibit hall October 14, we'll have to get back to see that of course.
I've had a little more time to finish up a pincushion made from free motion practice scraps I was going to throw away. But I looked at all the stitches and texture and decided I had to put those scraps to good use! I've made a thread catcher/quilted basket and the pincushion so far and there'll be more.
What with being busy sightseeing and helping with my grandson, I do manage to get some time for quilts and sewing on the side.
And of course remembering to be thankful in everything.
Have a great week and I'll be by to visit!