Hawthorn is blooming in the valley! |
A new yard of Eclectic Elements by Tim Holtz 'distressed' turquoise.
I started these Improv Plus Nine Patch blocks a couple of years ago. |
Pieced and finger pressed, blocks are 3. 5" finished. |
Hawthorn trees blossoming down the street. |
February color of the month, pink! I'm changing it out for turquoise however. |
Front of my Improv Plus Nine Patch quilt top, 15" x 35". |
Back of Improv Plus Nine Patch quilt top in Turquoise, batiks and solids. |
Close up view of back.... |
Quilt news from the valley where Hawthorn Trees are blossoming and skies are bright and blue!
The blossoms are gorgeous and cheery, spring comes early here.
This week I pieced the final row of my Improv Plus Blocks in Turquoise quilt top measuring, 15" x 35", I started it a few years ago inspired by Irene @ Sugarido.com and her YouTube tutorial, "How to Make an Improv Plus Nine Patch Quilt Block. " Her tutorial is fun, inspiring and easy to follow.
After doing some research on Plus Nine Patch Quilt Blocks I realized that my blocks technically are Improv Plus Blocks.
The blue skies reminded me of those Plus blocks I had stashed away so I pulled them out and pieced them together. Then I pieced the back from scraps and left over blocks. The top and back are finished, layering, basting and quilting comes next.
And my color calendar says pink is the color for February but I'm changing that to turquoise because I finished my quilt top in turquoise batiks and solids and my turquoise 'distressed' yardage by Tim Holtz (for another project) came in the mail from Fabric.com.
Fabric.com is, in my opinion, the best online fabric store. They have good prices and selection and your order gets shipped quick. I'm not paid to say that, I'm a satisfied customer.
Also take time to visit Svetlana @ Sotakhandmade, her tutorials on YouTube are great, she specializes in bags and zipper pouches and designs quilts with a Scandinavian flair. Her tutorials are excellent.
And that, quilt friends, is the news from the valley where Hawthorn blossoms and turquoise skies are 'making spirits light.'
How are your projects and plans coming along? I'll be by to visit.