Friday, February 21, 2025

Quilt News! Piecing, Quilting, Fabric Scraps for Zakka: Useful Household Items, and Beautiful Cotton Canvas for Backings, Slow Stitch/Embroidery Project Progress

Beautiful cotton canvas for my new Zakka projects.

Piecing scraps and leftovers for new kitchen pot holders.

Progress on my new slowstitch/embroidery project. I'm using Bohin's Chenille needles.



Hello Quilt Friends!

The snow has melted here in the valley and temperatures have warmed up! The local grey squirrels and Juncos are very excited about that.

 I've been piecing, layering and quilting fabric scraps into squares to be used for more kitchen hot pads. I keep giving them away, so this next batch I'll keep (until I find someone else who needs them.) I layer a pieced fabric square, about 10.5" with a square of Insul Brite by Warm and Natural and then a square of batting, then the backing of cotton canvas. I pin the stack then baste with long basting stitches on the diagonal, just twice, making an x. Then I machine quilt with 3.0 length stitches, cross hatch, taking out the basting stitches as I come to them. If you don't have Insul Brite, use 2 layers of batting (or three if you have a thin batting). Experiment and see what you like.

Also I've started a new slowstitch/embroidery project, embroidering another kitchen towel, something useful for my kitchen. We use a water purifier and need towels for mop up once in a while and I like to hand dry my glasses. Why not use something with beautiful stitching on it?

Crafting is like meditation, it allows you to focus your mind and release your stress.” – Unknown. 

I found that quote on Bebebold , visit to see all their gorgeous ideas, projects and kits. 

And that is the quilt/stitch news from the valley. What projects have you started lately?

I'll be by to visit!


  1. I see you are making more of those wonderful pot holders. It is really a great idea for using up scraps.
    I am also happy to see that you are doing some embroidery again
    Keep up the good work,but don’t forget to go out and enjoy the spring like weather.

  2. Isn’t it lovely to be done with the snow? I am just back from Quilt Con and I have so many ideas for things to make. I am going to work on some embroidery tonight and then I need to think about a blog post.
