We visited San Jose Rose Garden the day before Mother's Day. |
Look at that rich color! |
The light shining through my basket blocks. |
My Orange X Block Medallion quilt with final border, 44" x 44". |
Rose covered pergola, romantic, yes? |
These white roses smelled sweet. |
Obviously the height of the season. |
Progress on piecing my basket blocks, each block is 4"sq. |
How gorgeous is that? |
Then I found these pink roses.... |
Close view of some of the prints in Orange X Block quilt. |
Happy May and I hope you enjoyed Mother's Day like I did!
Some family came over and cinnamon rolls were on the menu.
This last week I sewed another border onto my Orange X Block Medallion quilt. In my last post I claimed that it was finished but I kept looking at it and I just knew it needed another border, sometimes that happens.
Now it measures 44" x 44".
I had bits of time to piece some of my basket blocks together and then to piece more blocks together after that. How big will it get? I'm not sure but I'm having fun.
In one of my previous posts I mentioned that I followed
Mieko's Basket Block Tutorial, a good tutorial with clear instructions.
Then on Saturday, day before Mother's Day, we took a trip to the San Jose Rose Garden and it was a slice of heaven. It wasn't too crowded, sometimes on the week end it can get that way. I almost hyperventilated breathing in the smell of roses and being in peak season they were blooming seriously as if their lives depended on it. Volunteers keep the rose garden in top notch shape, I believe they've won competitions.
And do stop in to visit my quilt friend
Queenie , who is hand piecing a gorgeous Log Cabin quilt in blues.
A work of art!
And that quilt friends is the quilt news from the valley!
Where I'm remembering to be thankful and making progress.
What quilt news do you have to share?
I'll be by to visit.