
Friday, March 26, 2021

Quilt News, More 'Easter' Basket Blocks, Quilt Blocks in Green, Improv Design Notebook and Happy Spring! And That Orange Thing.

Happy Easter (almost) !

                                                          More baskets pieced, just in time for Easter!

Green Hour Glass blocks in my 'parts department.'

Diagonal strip blocks in the green section of my 'parts department.

My planning/design notebook.


Sawtooth borders being arranged.

Sixteen Patch blocks in green, pieced together, adding to my 'parts department.'

Quilt news from the valley and happy spring!

It's almost Easter so I'm calling the baskets I've been piecing, Easter Baskets, good timing.
More baskets have been added to the collection this week. See my previous post on where to find the basket block tutorial.

I also had time to piece together my Sixteen Patch blocks to add to my 'parts department' section of greens. I added some Paprika and Espresso patches  (Kona Cotton Solids by Robert Kaufman) for contrast. 
Also I started piecing together saw tooth borders that will be added to a medallion style quilt I'm making of spare parts and fabric pieces I found while organizing my fabric stash a few weeks ago. I've drawn out a plan and am now making sure there is enough contrast to bring out the piecing design.
This quilt majors in orange, saw tooth borders, three big stars, 'X blocks' also called by me 'four patch butterflys.' 
I have no idea what to name it.

I figure it's best not to be in a hurry anyway. Maybe I'll call it 'That Orange Thing.'

Svetlana @ Sotak Handmade has a super tutorial on making a Classic Bag using french seams.
Stop by and check it out.

And that's the news here in the valley where birds are happy about spring and progress is being made.
I'll be by to visit!