
Saturday, April 24, 2021

Quilt Blocks, Weekend Progress, Orange X Block Medallion Quilt Final Borders, Piecing Scraps into Sixteen Patch and Hour Glass Blocks

I've pieced more baskets and hand sewed on orange ric rac handles.

Growing stack of small Hour Glass blocks pieced from scraps.

This is what I see on my morning walks.

More morning walk photos, Red Wood Tree makes lots of shade.

Neighborhood land scape planting, Marigold, Pansies.

Orange X Block quilt with final border, a Cotton & Steel print.

Big picture, Orange X Block Medallion Quilt, 38" x 38", my design.

Left over 2 1/2" squares sewn into Sixteen Patch Block.

Left Top Corner view, there are three Nine Patch Star blocks down the left side.

Half Square Triangles pieced from scraps, bordered with Cotton & Steel print.


Happy Weekend from the Valley!
Where we're enjoying cool, sunny spring weather.

I've had time to make plans and progress this week. Orange seems to be predominate in my sewing projects lately but that's all right, orange is cheerful and plays well with other colors. And I did choose 'Peach' as my color of the month after all, and peach is a lighter version of orange as we know.

Last week I remembered I had a big piece of orange print by Cotton & Steel stashed away. And that it would probably work as a final border for my Orange X Block Medallion Quilt. Whew! Because I had been puzzled about what to do for that last border, whether to go dark as in dark blue or maybe a dark red.
But that darkness wasn't going to work. The spirit of that quilt was warm and light and needed to stay that way, so a medium orange was what I decided on. Then the medium orange print that I had squirreled away came to mind, aha!

And having bits of time, I've been able to grab scraps and start piecing them together, which is calming to me and feels like play. I don't know what the final outcome will be for those parts, maybe a zipper bag or a scrappy tote bag?

Taking walks with our little grand muffin is enjoyable and I've posted some photos of what we see on our journeys. Color inspiration is an important part of creating and it's all around us.

Again, as in my last post, I encourage you to visit Jean Wells to read her inspiring photos and insights into using color.
What color adventures have you been on lately?

Remembering to be thankful and I'll be by to visit!

Friday, April 9, 2021

Quilt News from the Valley, Color of the Month Peach, Liberated 'Summer in the Park' Blocks, Orange X Blocks Medallion Progress, Fabric.Com

Orange X Blocks framed with Saw Tooth borders and Stars, pieced together so far.
Color of the month, Peach Kona Cotton Solid by Robert Kaufman
I've pieced more basket blocks using turquoise batik.
My Liberated 'Summer in the Park' blocks progress. The darkest solid is Espresso, a deep, rich brown.

Hello Quilt Friends!
We've had cool, sunny weather this week, great for walks.

I chose Peach for my color of the month.
I've been using quite a bit of it in my projects lately it works great with orange florals and batiks, as in my Orange X blocks, and is a good contrast with the turquoise batik I've been piecing together into basket blocks.

My Liberated 'Summer in the Park' blocks are now pieced together, not sure how big they will end up yet.
I used Jenny Doan's 'Summer in the Park' tutorial, on You Tube, a very good tutorial. I didn't use 2 1/2" strips, in liberated fashion, I used varying widths. More can be done along that line for an even more liberated look.
P.S. MSQC has a new tutorial out 'Summer Squares' a slightly different version of 'Summer in the Park,'
The center strip is changed to 1 1/2", take a look.

Also want to add that Fabric.Com is a good online shop for buying quilt fabric; great prices and fast shipping. I'm not paid to say that, they have excellent service, plain and simple.

And that is the quilt news from the valley where progress is being made and the resident grand muffin is growing and getting even more curious.

Before I sign off, if you're in need of color inspiration visit Jean Wells, for her Dreaming in Color series on using vibrant color. She has wonderful insight.

How are your quilt adventures going? Any liberated experimenting/designing happening?