
Friday, January 3, 2020

Quilt News, January 2020 Calendar Color White, AHIQ Challenge Hour Glass Blocks

My 2020 new calendar, featuring a color for each month.
Torrance Beach in the morning. Yes, there are surfers in the water.

This photo looks north, the San Bernadinos have snow.

Blue and white are good colors for January, I think.

Sampler Project in Neutrals, I'm slowly getting it together, I'll add hand embroidery.

I pieced some hour glass blocks, for the new AHIQ challenge.

This is a pile of pieced units I like to arrange and unarrange for fun.

Hello from Rancho Palos Verdes and Happy New Year!

We had warmer temperatures last week but it's supposed to get cooler again in a few days.

I managed to get bits of time for small piecing sessions. I'm looking forward to the AHIQ challenge which is using Hour Glass blocks. I've already pieced some blocks together, precision style, and next I plan on piecing some blocks improv style. I think the two together will be fun.
And I'm using greens which I don't usually do.

If you are new to improv piecing or design, check out Debbie Jeske's blog and quilts for great examples.

I found a 2020 calendar featuring a color each month. The January color is white. The photo shows a white staircase leading up to a gate, which I think, symbolizes looking ahead with hope to the future.
Color is exciting!

My Sampler Project in Neutrals is close to the final layout. It started as a challenge last year, but as I began working on it I knew it was going to take a while for me to finalize it. I dropped out of the challenge and just let the project takes its time. I was getting frustrated with the process and about ready to throw the whole thing out. It dawned on me the pressure of the dead line was killing my creativity. So instead of throwing out the project I 'threw' out the deadline.

And I like keeping units of piecing experiments and orphan blocks around to experiment and play with, arranging them this way and then that way. When there is no pressure I learn more and remember what works and doesn't work for me.
I do realize competition can be a good thing.

That quilt friends is the quilt news from the rancho, where looking ahead is a big deal.
And I'm remembering to be thankful.

I'll be by to visit.