
Friday, February 15, 2019

HST Medallion Bordered in Spectrum Reds, Teaching Crochet.

HST Barn Raising medallion with four borders.

This was started last summer, and then I ran out of steam.
I've been teaching crochet, perfect time of the year for it. This is blanket stitch.

Hello from Rancho Palos Verdes!

Where we're having rain and wind storms off and on. 
Rain coat weather.

And I've been busy with piecing a HST border, the fourth for my HST Barn Raising Medallion I started last summer. I got stuck and couldn't figure what to do with it. 
I had pieced on a Kona cotton solid Pink Punch border and a thin black/dot batik border and that was it. I put it away.
Then, as I talked about in my last post, I was going through my stash and found a Cotton + Steel Spectrum Red layer cake! The light went on, I knew what to do. First a cream, rustic border went on, then the Spectrum Red HST border.

Now My Barn Raising Medallion has four borders and measures in @ 35 x 35". 
I'm happy with it now, but it's not finished yet. Stay tuned for more.

And I've been teaching crochet at a local women's group. They're having fun learning and I enjoy their company.

That's the news from the rancho, where progress is being made.
And I'm remembering to be thankful.

I'll be by to visit.