
Thursday, June 15, 2017

My Art Quilt Published, Mr. Cuteness, Around the Neighborhood

Mr. Cuteness himself.

This is the neighborhood where Mr. Cuteness and his mom and dad live.

There are a lot of storm ponds to help with the rain runoff in this area.

Large fir and cedar trees are everywhere. It almost feels like a rain forest.

Beautiful landscape rugosa roses, so fragrant!

Local duck family living in the storm pond.

Wild rose and salal are everywhere.

My art quilt, Santa Clara Rush, 17" x 15" published in Art Quilting Studio.

Hello from Renton, Washington in the Pacific NW!

Where there's been a few days of sun and a few days of rain.
This a beautiful place for walks, lots of wild life and green growing things.
Deer, wild rabbits are abundant and a black bear was sighted last week a 1/4 mile from here.
We keep out of the forest.

My grandson just turned a year old and he chatters baby talk and does all the adorable things a one year old does. So fun to be able to be here and enjoy him.

'Santa Clara Rush' just got published in summer 2017 Art Quilting Studio .
I pieced it with batiks and solids, using colors that reminded me of lovely Santa Clara, CA.
Santa Clara is in Santa Clara Valley which is also called Silicon Valley, alluding to the high-tech industry residing there. The 'Rush' of course is about the traffic and hustle of rush hours.
To make my art quilt;
I pieced 'liberated' log cabin blocks and stacked and 'whacked' them. Then I arranged them randomly and added strips of color where needed, then sewed the blocks together, three in a row by three rows.
I machine quilted it and added some hand quilting for texture. The stack and whack idea can be used in different ways, I like the surprise results of the randomness.

That's what's happening in this neck of the woods. 
I hope you're enjoying the spring birds and I almost forgot, I've seen quite a few Monarch butterflies around here. They do wait for the sun to come out. They must all go to an indoor butterfly shopping mall until the rain stops. 

Have a great weekend! I'll stop by to visit.