
Saturday, May 27, 2017

Stitchin' Post Quilt Shop, Volcanoes and Coffee

The Three Sisters, Sisters, Oregon.

Sisters Coffee Company, great place to get coffee in the morning.

Interior of Sisters Coffee Company, talk about atmosphere!

Stitchin' Post Quilt shop inside, inspiration anyone?

I had to get this angle too, Stitchin' Post Quilt shop.

The Stitchin' Post Quilt Shop, Sisters, Oregon.
Me, looking out at the view, this is in town.

The Metolius River

Hello, from Renton, Washington!
Where it's sunny and warm. The land of lakes, wild deer and rabbits.

Last week we went on a road trip driving from Los Angeles, CA, north to Renton, WA.
We left Tuesday morning and got here Saturday afternoon. These photos cover our overnight stay in Sisters, Oregon. It was a half hour out of the way from Bend, Oregon, but I had to visit the Stitchin' Post Quilt shop.

The Stitchin' Post  shop hosts the Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show. I've attended that show several times in the past and even entered a quilt or two. Jean Wells and her daughter Valori run the shop and are busy designing fabric and patterns and having great inspiring classes, wow.  If you're ever able to visit the shop and the town, you will enjoy yourself!

Sisters, Oregon  is a magical place. The smell of sage, the view of volcanoes is intoxicating.
That and the fact that there's a great quilt shop in town make me want to consider living there!

I hope you're having a happy Memorial Weekend!
I'll stop by to visit soon.