
Monday, November 3, 2014

Crazy Quilt style, silks and taffetas, Strawberries and Chocolate series, new sewing kits....

Strawberries n Chocolate sewing kit #1

Different view showing the silk turquoise inside.

I made progress on my Strawberries n' Chocolate sewing kits, Yey! I got the batting and silk lining sewn in. That turquoise silk is certainly lovely, I should have bought the whole bolt. I will next sew on the crushed velvet ties then make up the needle keeps, with felted wool, get them sewn in and finish the embellishments.
They have a nice feel to them. I'm excited to get these rolling.

Strawberries n Chocolate #2 , smaller than #1

Another view of smaller version, there is no embroidery on this one yet.